Thursday 24 April 2014

The ukulele club trip

Thursday, April 24, 2014--

Hi again, I'm going to tell you, a bit about Churchill's ukulele club field trip.
Churchill's ukulele club went to a daycare, where was the instructor of ukulele club's , daughter and son. So we played some good and old songs, and little kid songs like Twinkle Twinkle, little star and Ol' McDonald had a farm, and we played on Bob Marley song, One love, we played Cat Stevens, If you want to sing out, sing out, and YOSHIMI!!!! the Flaming lips. I wanted to play a song that we all know Sweet Home Alabama, made 1985 or !?! or 1995.
Me, Signing out *beep*

Tuesday 22 April 2014

My Calamari adventure

Hello I, have come back from Quebec City and I've tasted the best and the worst calamari in Quebec City, one at the DELTA hotel and one at the Parmesan. So I wanted share my opinion with you guys. One at the Delta restaurant ( Bistro ) was great, but there was one little tiny mistake, the squid was to crunchy, not smooth. The calamari at the Parmesan was horrible, one because there was barely any batter one it and, two there was kale on it!!! That's the one thing I hate!!!!!! In some photos I look happy, but I'm seriously not :(  

So I hope you people liked this pooooooooooooooooooooooooooossssssssssssttttttttttt!!!!!!

Monday 7 April 2014

My older brother has a cold

Today, April 7, 2014, I am staying home from school today, because my older brother has a cold. So I'm here at home blogging about my brother. ( Cody ) My brother Cody, my little sister Voilet, and Mom are taking my little dog, Pepsi are going for a walk. My father and, I are going to my baksetball practice, at Fisher Park Community Center, in the gym.

Friday 4 April 2014

It's, Milo

I have one thing the say: Thank u for checking out my BLOG people 😃