Tuesday 25 February 2014

Let her go

Hi guys, I would like commentate this link to a song Let Her Go. I would press the link because it's so good of a song and you can play it on ukulele too. Please chick this link to YouTube and type Let her go Passanger. http://www.youtube.com/?gl=CA. PEACE!!!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Link to Guitarcolin,blogspot.ca

I would like to commentate this link Guitarcolin.blogspot.ca. This blog is so cool because it has lyrics to many songs on guitar (also electric guitar) So please click the link and enjoy!!!
And also please try to comment on his blog and my blog.


Tuesday 18 February 2014

Our assemely at school

So today all of the children at Churchill went down to the gym and saw this two men, they were very talented like Q-MACK balanced a bench on his chin and J-BOX (The champion beat boxer of 2013) he beat boxed an Alvin and the chipmunks voice and sang a little sound effect too. And Q-MACK told us a story about him grade 5, and when he got bullied in school.
Q-MACK spun a basket ball on his finger, then he spun the ball on a pole and balanced it on his nose.
Here's a link to my other blog called SonicUnder.blogspot.com

Sunday 16 February 2014

Tuesday 11 February 2014

My Eletric Guitar at school

 Tomorrow I'm bringing my electric guitar, at school there's a guitar club, so I've decided to bring my guitar tomorrow.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

churchill310.blogspot.ca link

Here's a link to Churchill310.blogspot.ca it has some information on the Living Museum at Churchill
Alternative School, please enjoy the pictures of the Living Museum.

Monday 3 February 2014


Hello ladies and gentleman of the world, I've been in a rough week last week because I've been in a bad accident last Tuesday, but I am fine today, so I've decided on making this blog on Blogger, but you need a Google account to make a blog, so here's a link to BLOGGER, so make a Google account and make a blog!!!

Sunday 2 February 2014

At school a few weeks ago

A few weeks ago at school, my class and I were doing this test on salt and water. So we had a tuning fork and plastic wrapper, and a yogourt container, so we placed the salt on the plastic wrapper witch was wrapped by an alastic band. So we hit the tuning fork on our soul of our shoes and it started to vibrate. So we careful lifted it up above the salt and it moved the salt. Then we try water but it do not work. Thank you for checking out this entry.


Hello I'm Milo and I would like you to press this link to CHUKULELES, and this as a lot of songs you can listen to and play ukuleles with the song, and just to tell you, some of the songs are hard.
Some of the songs are easy like One day all you have to do is learn the chords, if you're new to Ukuleles, they have the chords to the songs.